The StUB route

The Stadt-Umland-Bahn will connect the cities of Nuremberg, Erlangen and Herzogenaurach via tram. In addition, an east branch (the so-called "Ostast") from Erlangen through the Schwabachtal to Eckental is being considered. The StUB will start “Am Wegfeld”, today the northernmost stop of the Nuremberg tram system. The destination of the route in the west is the city center of Herzogenaurach and in the east Eckental with a connection to the Gräfenbergbahn. On its way, the StUB will connect central university, school and business locations as well as important traffic junctions and residential areas.


kilometers between Nuremberg, Erlangen and Herzogenaurach


stops along the route between the three cities


Cities and communes with a direct connection to the StUB

Current status of planning

After the completion of the first dialogue and planning phase, the so-called draft planning for the StUB route between Nuremberg, Erlangen and Herzogenaurach is currently underway: The rough route of the Stadt-Umland-Bahn will be further specified. We plan the exact location of the stops, the bridge structures and the exact track layout of the tram system.

In addition, we are making progress with the planning for the so-called „Ostast“: The east branch will lead from Langemarckplatz in Erlangen via Spardorf, Buckenhof, Uttenreuth, Dormitz, Neunkirchen am Brand and Kleinsendelbach to Eckental. There you can transfer directly to the Gräfenbergbahn. The surrounding villages of Hetzles, Marloffstein and Weißenohe as well as Heroldsberg, Igensdorf and Gräfenberg will also benefit from the east branch of the StUB.

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Stops along the route

Where does the Stadt-Umland-Bahn stop?

A total of 31 stops are planned for the route of the Stadt-Umland-Bahn from Nuremberg via Erlangen to Herzogenaurach. The exact number and the detailed location of the stops will be determined in consultation with you during the ongoing design planning.

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Current dates

We regularly organize events and are also always on site at the planned route. Get in touch with us and get involved in our tram project Stadt-Umland-Bahn! 

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Contact us

Whether by telephone or e-mail – our employees will be happy to help you! A visit to our office in the city of Erlangen (Nürnberger Straße 69) is also possible at any time with prior notice.

To contact


09131 / 933 084 0